Housing the elderly:

Between crisis and resistance

Carolin Genz

Published in Issue 1.2 // Updates

Keywords: embodied politics, elders, housing crisis, practices of resistance


Rising rents have a drastic impact on the everyday lives of older people. As pensions are fixed, elderly renters are faced with the constant fear of losing their home, which often also means losing their social community and self-determination. In my research, I am concerned with ways in which older people can be politically active in public spaces in order to raise awareness for their struggles with rising rents. I consider the conditions of political and embodied action (Arendt 1958; Butler 2011, 2018) and claim that, in times of rent struggles, the older female body, in particular, becomes a site of rent politics.


Carolin Genz is an Urban Anthropologist and Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Human Geography. Her research focuses on spatial and resistance practices, housing, and gender. She is co-founder of the ‘Urban Ethnography Lab.’

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