Estate Watch London, and Beyond

London Tenants Federation, Just Space and Loretta Lees

Published in Issue 2.2 // Updates

Keywords: council estate renewal, grassroots evidence, community resources, collaboration, tenant led


In this update we outline a collaboration between the London Tenants Federation, Just Space and the urban geographer Loretta Lees that resulted in a new website Estate Watch London ( This is a community resource designed to provide information on, and to monitor, those council and housing association estates across London under threat of demolition. As well as showcasing our own research undertaken with, not on, local estate communities, we also urge residents to add information about their estates keeping it as up to date as possible.

The London Tenants Federation brings together social housing tenants across London to act on matters affecting their homes and communities.

Just Space is an informal network of around 200 community groups, which acts as a voice for Londoners at the grass roots level with respect to London’s planning strategy.

Loretta Lees is Professor of Human Geography, University of Leicester, and Chair of the London Housing Panel.

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