Housing struggles and domestic territories in Argentina during the pandemic
Lucía Cavallero, Florencia Presta and Verónica Gago with Ana Vilenica, Solange Muñoz
Published in Issue 3.1 // Conversations
Argentina, housing, feminism, landlord violence, implosion of home
In this conversation RHJ Editors Solange and Ana met with the Argentine researchers and organisers, Lucia Cavallero, Verónica Gago and Florencia Presta to learn about the increase in housing violence and struggles for housing and home in Argentina during the pandemic. They describe the intensification of ‘landlord violence’ and land seizures as well as an ‘implosion of home’ as a result of accelerated indebtedness and impoverishment. We tackle issues of feminist spatiality and femicide in the pandemic including how housing and feminist struggles intersect.
Lucia Cavallero is a researcher and PhD candidate in Social Sciences at the University of Buenos Aires. She is a member of the Ni Una Menos Collective and of the research group Grupo de Investigación e Intervención Feminista (GIFF).
Verónica Gago teaches at the Universidad de Buenos Aires, and at the Instituto de Altos Estudios, Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Argentina. She is a researcher at the National Council of Research (CONICET), member of the research group GIIF and of the Ni Una Menos feminist collective.
Florencia Presta is a militant of the tenants organization ‘Inquilinos Agrupados’. She has a degree in Social Work from the School of Social Sciences, University of Buenos Aires.
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Cavallero, L., Presta, F., Gago, V., Vilenica, A. and S. Muñoz (2021) Housing struggles and domestic territories in Argentina during the pandemic, Radical Housing Journal, 3(1), pp. 53-59; https://doi.org/10.54825/MBQW7897