Silent and noisy intersections in Abidjan’s struggles against housing precarity
Temporalities of tenants organising in Mexico City
06000 Plataforma Vecinal y Observatorio del Centro Histórico and Ana Vilenica // Issue 6.1
Occupy, inhabit, resist
Sandra Calvo and Ana Vilenica // Issue 6.1
Delivery as Dispossession: Land Occupation and Eviction in the Postapartheid City (2022) by Zachary Levenson
Katherine Wiley // Issue 6.1
Struggle for right to remain in LA
Martha Escudero of the Reclaim our Homes in conversation with Ana Vilenica // Issue 5.1
Kenia Alcocer and Leonardo Vilchis of the Union de Vecinos in conversation with Ana Vilenica // Issue 5.1
Building a Tenant Association Against Displacement
Inés and Teresa of the Flower Drive Tenants Association in conversation with Ana Vilenica, co-edited by Katrina Albright // Issue 5.1
Unhoused Tenant Organizing in Los Angeles
After Echo Park Lake Research Collective // Issue 4.1
The unrecognized Bedouin villages in southern Israel and the ongoing housing crisis
Huda Abu Obaid and Elianne Kremer (Negev Coexistence Forum for Civil Equality, NCF) // Issue 3.2
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