Daniel Manyasi, Loretta Lees and Ashley West // Issue 6.2
Delivery as Dispossession: Land Occupation and Eviction in the Postapartheid City (2022) by Zachary Levenson
Katherine Wiley // Issue 6.1
From land occupations to the institutional policy
Thalles Vichiato Breda // Issue 5.1
Housing, gender, migration and the right to the city from Antofagasta, Chile
Elizabeth Andrade Huaringa in conversation with Camila Cociña and Ana Sugranyes // Issue 5.1
Lucero Garcia Mondragon and THRIVE Santa Ana CLT Board Member // Issue 3.1
A patchwork conversation with Somsook Boonyabancha on poverty, collective land tenure and Thailand’s Baan Mankong programme
Brenda Perez-Castro in conversation with Somsook Boonyabancha // Issue 1.2
Vulnerabilization and resistance in informal settlements in Puerto Rico: Lessons from the Caño Martín Peña Community Land Trust
Line Algoed and María E. Hernández Torrales // Issue 1.1
A rallying cry from the South African Homeless Peoples Federation
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