A conversation with organizers and residents of Barrio Comunitario Norita Cortiñas in the Buenos Aires metropolitan area (Part I)
Organizers and residents of Barrio Comunitario Norita Cortiñas in Buenos Aires metropolitan area, with Ana Vilenica and Moisés Quiroz // Issue 6.2
A conversation with organizers and residents of Barrio Comunitario Norita Cortiñas in the Buenos Aires metropolitan area (Part 2)
Organizers and residents of Barrio Comunitario Norita Cortiñas in Buenos Aires metropolitan area, with Ana Vilenica and Moisés Quiroz // Issue 6.2
Delivery as Dispossession: Land Occupation and Eviction in the Postapartheid City (2022) by Zachary Levenson
Katherine Wiley // Issue 6.1
From land occupations to the institutional policy
Thalles Vichiato Breda // Issue 5.1
India’s transition from military-imperialism to settler colonialism in Kashmir
Otomí community occupation of the National Indigenous Peoples’ Institute (INPI) in Mexico City as a struggle for dignified housing and the right to the city
Representatives of the Otomí community occupation of the INPI in conversation with Ana Vilenica and Felipe Guerra Arjona // Issue 5.1
Housing, gender, migration and the right to the city from Antofagasta, Chile
Elizabeth Andrade Huaringa in conversation with Camila Cociña and Ana Sugranyes // Issue 5.1
How the urban poor claimed their right to shelter
A Genealogy of Urban Occupation Movements in Central São Paulo
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