
Book reviews, film reviews, events reviews and updates related to network, places and the likes. We should also have, within this section, a ‘letter’ page — where to welcome more unstructured contributions — and perhaps also a satirical vignette section.


Association of People for Homes, Czech Republic

Asociace lidí pro domov, z.s. // Issue 2.1

‘Stay Home Without a Home’:

Report from a webinar on the right to housing

Guya Accornero, Mona Harb, Alex F. Magalhães, Felipe G. Santos, Giovanni Semi, Samuel Stein and Simone Tulumello // Issue 2.1

The right to stay put:

Resistance and organizing in the wake of changing housing policies in Sweden

Jennie Gustafsson (in collaboration with Allt åt alla Malmö), Elof Hellström, Åse Richard and Scott Springfeldt // Issue 1.2